Campaign PhD 2024

Call for applications - Three PhD scholarships in archaeology

The Graduate School of Research EUR ArChal offers three PhD scholarships, of three years duration, starting from the beginning of the 2024-2025 academic year.

The scholarship holders will enroll for their PhD at the archaeology doctoral school of the University of Paris1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (ED 112, Joint supervision with another ArChal partner (see below) is highly recommended and will be set up during the first year of the PhD.


The EUR ArChal in a few words

EUR ArChal is led by the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and partnered by seven academic institutions in France and in Europe: Freie Universität Berlin (Germany), Universidad Complutense Madrid (Spain), Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna (Italy), Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales – INALCO, Institut National de Recherches Archéologiques Préventives – INRAP, Musée d'Archéologie Nationale, Domaine National Saint-Germain en Laye – MAN (France).

The EUR aims to develop original teaching and research projects on archaeological methods and on research topics related to global challenges. Based on the diachronic analysis of strategies adopted in the past for addressing global challenges, the EUR ArChal will provide an entirely new knowledge framework on these questions. Its broad ambition is to build on our understanding of the past to develop sustainable strategies for facing future challenges.

The teaching and research program focuses on cutting-edge archaeological methods, while dealing with the following four major challenges:

  1. Environment and climate change
  2. Power and inequalities
  3. Conflicts, mobilities and migrations
  4. Technologies and innovation

For more information on the EUR ArChal and its challenges, see the website:


Who can apply? 

  • Holders of a Master degree (French Master 2) in archeology from the University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne or one of its partner universities: Freie Universität Berlin (Germany), Universidad Complutense Madrid (Spain), Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna (Italy), Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales - INALCO (France). Holders of a Master degree from these institutions in cultural heritage, restoration-conservation or art history are also eligible. 
  • No age or nationality requirements.


Fellowship payment

Gross monthly income is €2 100, rising to €2 200 from the 1st January 2025, as fixed by the following decree:


How to apply

The application dossier will include the following documents:

1. A curriculum vitae (maximum 2 pages).

2. A covering letter: Applicants are invited to show the contribution of their PhD project to the development of the EUR.

3. A PhD thesis project (maximum 15 000 characters, spaces included) in French or in English. This project must be clearly related to one of the EUR's four challenges. 

4. A summary of the Master's thesis (maximum 10 000 characters, spaces included).

5. A letter of support from the future PhD supervisor accredited by the ED112 ( In the case of a co-supervision the letter of support of the co-supervisor must also be provided.

6. A transcription of the Master degree and, if available, the Master thesis defense report.

7. The application form available to be downloaded on the website of the EUR, completed, and signed.


Submission and applications evaluation

1. The submission of applications: Send all the documents combined into a single PDF file (via a file transfer service) to no later than Monday 10th June 2024, 23:59. An acknowledgment of receipt will be sent, indicating the admissibility of the application.

2. Pre-selection for an interview will be done by an evaluation committee, composed of faculty members and researchers among the EUR partners and the ED 112 doctoral school. The composition of the selection committee will be posted on the EUR website. The results will be communicated to the applicants on the 23rd June 2024. The selected candidates will receive a convening letter to attend the interview together with information on how the auditions will be conducted.

3. The interviews will take place on the 1st July 2023 by videoconference. The evaluation Committee will draft the final merit ranking list of the applicants; this list will finally be examined by the board of the ED 112.

Selection Committee

The committee is made of one representative from each partner institution and the director of the Sorbonne School of Art History and Archaeology (UFR03).

The members are :

BONATZ  Dominik     Professor Representative FUB
GARCIA DIEZ   MarcosProfessorRepresentative UCM
GAUCCIAndreaProfessorRepresentative UNIBO
GILIGNYFrançois ProfessorRepresentative ED 112
NESPOULOUS  Laurent LecturerRepresentative INALCO
PROCOPIOUHarisProfessor Representative UP1PS
SCHWABCatherine  Chief Curator Representative MAN
VANSTAEVEL Jean-PierreProfessor, joint Dir. of UMR Orient&Méditerranée RepresentativeCNRS


Results of the selection of doctoral students at the EUR ArChal for the 2024-2025 academic year

The EUR ArChal doctoral selection committee met on 01 July 2024 by videoconference.

After interviewing 21 candidates and deliberating with the committee, 3 students were selected for a doctoral contract with EUR ArChal. In alphabetical order: 


NameUniv. PhD title PhD supervisor(s)
GOURNAY LeonardUP1PS / UNIBOÉtude des ressources ligneuses en Italie du nord durant l’Âge du Fer : l’usage de l’archéo-dendrométrie pour la datation, l’interprétation des structures en bois et l’étude de l’environnement dans le delta du PôStéphane Bourdin (UP1) / Andrea Gaucci (UNIBO)
KOURTI Evanthia-StefaniaUP1PSLes microrestes botaniques dans la vallée du Strymon et ses environs, exploration de la transformation des plantes au Néolithique (6e – 5e millénaire av. J-C.) Zoï Tsirsoni (ArScAn) / Aline Garnier (Univ. Paris-Est Créteil)
MICHAELIS VincaUP1PS / FUBEgyptological collections and European politics – How acquisition policies of European museums were influenced by political events between 1882 and 1918 (working title) Jochem Kahl (FUB) / Alain Duplouy (UP1PS)

The following candidates have been placed on the supplementary list : AIRES DA CRUZ Tiffany et TUDOCE Salomé.