Training Weeks Master 2022

First training week Master 2022


Practical part of the first week of training

Archaeologists’ commitment and responsibilities as seen through the archives

The training course for the first training week of the EUR ArChal Master 1 of the last January, planned within the framework of the challenge 2 “Power and inequalities” and dealing with the theme ” Challenges of Power, inequalities of knowledge: archives of excavations”, will take place in person on Friday 13 May 2022.

The first part will be held in the morning at the Musée d’Archéologie Nationale in Saint-Germain-en-Laye and the second one will be held in the afternoon at the Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, in Nanterre.

This training course will be devoted to the theme “Archaeologists’ commitment and responsibilities as seen through the archives”.

Program : Friday May 13th 2022

10h-12h30 : Musée d’Archéologie Nationale, Saint-Germain-en-Laye.

Corinne Jouys Barbelin, the head of documentary services at the museum, will present “Archaeology and power : the archaeological excavations of Napoléon III, and the Commission for the Topography of Gaul – or, the mastery of territory”.


14h-17h : Maison des Sciences de l’Homme-Mondes, campus de Nanterre (salle du conseil).

Maia Pomadère and Nathan Schlanger will lead a session around the topic of “Archaeological responsibilities and commitments, the place of archives”.

Visit to the Archive services of the MSH-Mondes (

Second training week Master 2022

Silex et déchets modernes

The second training week of the EUR ArChal will take place from 16 to 20 May 2022 in Paris.

Within the framework of Challenge 4 “Techniques and innovation” the training will first focus on the theme “Managing waste: past insights into a present-day challenge”

Within the framework of the methodology the training will focus on “Methods of Preventive (rescue) archaeology”

Managing your waste: past insights into a present-day challenge

The increasing amount of waste is a phenomenon that is growing considerably today, to the point that it represents one of the global challenges facing humanity. But since prehistoric times, societies have produced waste and sought solutions to manage it. This May week’s training session will therefore shed light on this very topical subject by examining the experiences of the past, as revealed by archaeology.

A first 6-hour module will aim to define the notion of waste, which varies from one Chrono cultural area to another, in different contexts (domestic, craft, etc.) and at different scales (from site to territory). Hands on workshops will allow students to examine archaeological objects and documents, to concretely grasp the problems linked to these remains.
A second module of 14 hours will explore techniques and innovations in waste management and recovery, based on a series of case studies. At the end of this chronological journey, from prehistoric times to the present day, a debate with a specialist in current waste management will enable these ancient practices to be put into perspective in relation to current issues.